What I've been up to.

I went to Vietnam in March.. went into the underground tunnels at Chu Chi in Saigon. The tour guide said I made a great Vietcong. Caught a ghost in the dark tunnels in my friend's camera.. which went into self-destructive mode after. I also went to Paris in June with my hubby. No progress with the baby though. Even Paris didn't do it for us. It was really cool though. Went to Louvre, D'orsay, Notre Dame, Eiffel,Versailles, all the usual stuff. No tour guides, just the Lonely Planet and a couple of French Phrase Books. Oh yeah, watched Amelie a couple of times before we went, to get ourselves excited. Loved the metro, Louis Vuitton (yummy!!!bought myself quite a few things..and got some birthday presents from hubby there too),Marches. The Parisians are cool. Learnt what 'trop' is and will try not to be.
My cat Ben swallowed a ribbon and we had to spend about a thousand bucks to get it out of him. He's okay now. Got a new baby kitty..a ragdoll, she's gorgeous.
Anyway, just heard The Cure's coming to Singapore in August for the first time and hubby and I just got tickets.. Whooooooooooh!! We were in Naples in 2004 and we just missed their concert there. So I'm really looking forward to this.
I fell on my face in school yesterday, in front of my students , while trying to rush from one class to another. Luckily it was on grass. Just got up, brushed myself off and ran to the next class. The kids were too stunned to react. Asked me if I was okay today.. said I was always so busy and I should stop to breathe.
Sounds like your kids know you well ;)
Cool pics!!
What have you named the new kitten? :)
You'll have to make sure to let us know how good The Cure are :)
We named her Lily - apparently she's Tiger Lily. Ragdolls are supposed to be docile but mixing with Ben has made her feisty.
BTW fell down again in school this week, down the stairs, no witnesses this time but sprained my ankle and broke my laptop..ahh well.
lol at feisty :)
Oooh, ow. Broken your laptop... The most painful place!
I am glad you are ok.
Why did you fall?
Gosh I'm sorry Annie, I have got terribly nosey these days.
I used to think these things and then say something silly instead. Now I seem to do both ;)
Why did I fall? I'm not sure. Don't really know the reason why I do most things.
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